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The First Steps to Literacy and Numeracy course is for adults with neuro diverse learning challenges or those living with a specific learning difficulty.

Part time Mon/Wed 9.00-12.30pm or Tues/Thurs 9.00-12.30pm. 


This course aims to:

  • Provide skills for navigating life

  • Enable our learners to develop levels of independence in their day to day lives

  • Identify thoughts and feelings, and find appropriate ways to express these

  • Meet learners where they are each day, and support them to determine and meet their goals


 First Steps learners work together to build relationships and a sense of community. All in an environment where learners are nurtured, respected, valued, with a lot of laughter along the way. 


Teacher assistants and volunteers work alongside learners to enable specific skills to be focused on in a supportive and positive environment. 

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